Media Consultant/Media/Writer/Consultant/Speaker 

FYI: Carla Jeanette Media is not looking for a  website designer, a virtual assistant nor a graphic designer.

Carla J Kee-Franklin does all the designs herself.

Health Wellness healing Carla Jeanette Media

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Baby Fago 4 Carla J. Education

FYI: Not a doctor, just spreading information that help. Every child is different.

After the flu shot!

Education on how to help your child!

It’s been very hard going seeing your child being born normal and after the flu shot has been unbelievable. Doctors will just push the vaccination and after the side effects comes in into the picture no one wants to help the parents to understand what’s going on with their child. Doctors will overlook the parents worries about their child downfalls after the flu shot. .

Big Baby Fago 4 and his mother Carla J will talk about the speech delays and the delays that happened after the flu shot and what was done to help get through it.

I’m not my pain project

Adoption gone wrong!

The Entrustment Agreement Awareness and what teen moms need to know when they decide to give their child up for adoption. All states are different.

Carla J Kee was a teen mom when she decided to give her son up for adoption. Things took a left turn when the child’s father didn’t sign papers. A 17 year old or younger should never sign papers unless an adult over 21 can make sure the mother understands her rights.  Need all the support this time around.

The child that was involved took his life.

March 28, 2018.

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Carla Jeanette Media Inc.

@All copyrights reserved

Tracy L. Palmer took his life at the age of 32 years old days away from 33 years old. The system failed his mother and him.

The Entrustment Agreement Story is about a teen mother that thought she was giving her son up for adoption.  The father didn’t sign pagers, the law went after Tracy’s mother for back child support, custody battle, and visitation.

 Entrustment Agreement Awareness  

Laws have to change for teen mothers.

Carla Jeanette Media Inc.

Attn: Carla J Kee-Franklin

P.O. Box 14534

Newport News, VA. 23608

I'm Not My Pain Project by Carla J Kee-Franklin